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Pitching Leaderboard

Catcher Leaderboard

Position Leaderboard

Athlete Highlights

Date: 04-23-2023 ----------- Location: Loganville High School ----------- Evaluator: Bran Mills

Joseph Johnson is a 2023 Catcher at Loganville High School. Joe has been a three year starter for the Red Devils and had been part of 3 Region Titles, A State Runner-Up Finish in 2021 and a State Champion in 2022. The 2023 State Playoffs begin this week. As a Catcher Joe throws 77-78 mph from behind the plate and is between a 2.0-2.1 Pop Time. He is an excellent receiver. Joe understands the game and does a great job leading our pitching staff. He is a natural catcher! Joe has hit anywhere from the 4 hole to the 7 hole during his time here at Loganville. He has been a productive offensive player throughout with solid power at the plate. Joe has great hands offensively and his swing/ lower half is fluid/ smooth.